Just another hole in the ground

Just another hole in the ground


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you might be a tourist.

I understand that you live in NYC, however, if you go to the trendiest bars, check out the most 'gram-worthy landmarks or you wait for attractions to come to town to go see them, then you're probably a tourist. Being a local means you pack up your shit to get out of the city as much as you can, because you've already seen the sights and what's the big deal? You explore spots no one else goes to and you keep them secret so no one else goes. And your favorite part about New York City is how many ways there are to escape it and cross items off bucket list. Items like caving. Did you know that there more than a dozen caves in New York State that you can explore? Well, this cave is one of them. Watch us be like locals. Come out next time! 

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Outerthere Does BoneFrog NJ

Outerthere Does OutdoorFest 2018!

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