Tunneling Under Blauvelt State Park

Tunneling Under Blauvelt State Park


This trip came together kinda last minute and within 3 days, a bunch of people signed up. Then half those people decided that evil spirits and bugs wasn't for them.

After all, who wants bugs crawling all over them in some abandoned, underground bunker where people probably went nuts and tortured squirrels for entertainment and those squirrels were now attacking trespassers as reincarnated demons or whatever? OK, so those people were clearly smarter than us, but this trip still rocked and will end up on the Outerthere trip rotation because it was so much fun! Check the clip and see what you missed.

Beginner Camping... with a border collie!

Beginner Camping... with a border collie!

The Ike Hike!

The Ike Hike!